Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Water Therapy

Water Therapy
(Usha Kaal Chikitsha)


Hiten Patel

About the Author:

Having worked in corporate world at senior management levels for nearly 20 years, Hiten Patel depleted his health due to Stress and the so called Corporate way of life.
In 2003 he had to choose between dying wealthy or living healthy. He chose to live healthy. He practiced alternative methods of healing on himself. Today not only is he healed but helps people heal both at mental and physical level.
In this book he shares two of the ancient methods of healing, that helped him enormously. This book is written in summarised form so that the reader can finish this book in about two hours, and reap the benefits of ancient techniques to remain healthy.
Since 2006, he is practicing as Mind therapist and Holistic healer.

Academically, he is a Registered Medical Practitioner (Alternative Medicine) in hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapist (USA) and ACWA.

He conducts workshops on:
 Stress Management
Life Management 
Complementary Healing Methods 
These workshops have helped thousands of people to heal in natural ways.


Water Therapy - free e book

History of Water Therapy:

Water Therapy is a very ancient method of healing the body. Thousands of years back this was known as “Usha Kaal Chikitsa”. In the mid-1800s there was a popular revival of the water cure in Europe, the United Kingdom, and America. During this time the term water cure was used synonymously with hydropathy, the term by which hydrotherapy was known in the 1800s and early 1900s.However, the therapeutic use of water precedes this popular revival. Its use has been recorded in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations. In 1797, there was a publication by Dr James Currie of Liverpool which emphasises on the use of water in the treatment of fever and other illness.
In olden days it was believed that “Aamrit” (nectar) - blessed water, would increase the life span. Have we ever thought an alternate meaning to this concept? The word Aamrit is combination of two words. “Aam” and “Rit”. Aam means common and Rit means procedure. It is possible that there was a common procedure of drinking water in those days which would keep mankind healthy and free from diseases. Was it water therapy? If yes then Aamrit could have been the procedure of drinking water and not necessarily the type of water.
Water is the most abundant element in our body. Approximately 73% of our body is made of water. This means a 100 kg person really has 73 kg of water. Like the Earth, which is three-quarters surrounded by water, the body is three- quarters water. So, quite literally, all the cells in our body are floating in an ocean of water. The water in our body contains different types of salts.
We do not even realize the fact that this earth is identical to our bodies in respect of water. All the five elements of Earth are present in the body. Like marine animals and land animals, water cells are present in the blood as well as in the organs. It is fascinating to relate different aspects of the Earth to the body.
Like the geochemical processes that occur on Earth, where the oceans regulate land temperature of different landscapes, water in our body distributes heat in the body. It is a vital medium in which all chemical reactions of the body occur. All the body processes occur due to enzymatic reactions and zillions of reactions that occur in our body every second are promoted by water! Most of the reactions of the body either involve taking in or giving out of water. Just like the ocean is the medium for bulk transportation, water, in the form of blood circulates nutrients and hormones both within, and between body cells.
Earth is the only planet we know which has life and that is because of water. Similarly, we can live without food for many weeks but without water, we cannot exist beyond a few days. Keeping this in mind, we will discuss the purpose of water for the detoxification of the body and mind.
Generally, people have the idea that drinking plenty of fluids is sufficient to replenish water in the body. The water that is taken along with the fluids is adequate for maintenance of the body. But we are concerned about cleansing the body for health.
We are all aware of the fact that, 'water is life' and it is one of the essential elements for healthy body. All the important activities of the body are regulated and dependent on water. It carries all the hormones, vitamins, chemicals and oxygen to all the parts of the body. It is therefore called the “universal solvent” and even serves as a natural remedy for many diseases.
There are two types of toxins that are produced in our bodies or that enter our bodies through the environment.
Water soluble and water insoluble toxins.
The job of getting rid of these two types of toxins is assigned to two major organs of the body. One is the liver and other the kidneys. Kidneys flush out water soluble toxins with the help of water and the liver flushes out water insoluble toxins through the help of bile. The by-products of hormonal breakdowns and other metabolic products are water insoluble toxins that are flushed out by the liver. We will first discuss the kidneys and then the liver.
There are two million nephrons, the micro-chips of kidneys. These nephrons filter about 2000 litres of blood every day. Working with the kidneys, water helps to flush out toxic substances and waste materials from the body. It also helps the kidneys to produce sufficient urine to keep the body's inner chemistry (pH) in balance. If the chemistry (pH) is disturbed, the reactions are hampered, and these manifest as diseases. Hence, for the body to be healthy, water should be abundant. This is the key to water therapy.
Every day a huge number of chemicals reach the kidneys which are to be flushed out through urine. These include metabolic waste like urea (high protein diets cause high urea production), uric acids, breakdown products of hormones, vitamins, salts (sodium, potassium etc). All these are natural and the kidneys are accustomed to them for thousands of years….
Modern man's kidneys, however, are challenged with thousands of manmade toxic chemicals that enter the body through a variety of ways. The sources include food (colouring agents, flavours, preservatives, sweeteners, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, hormonal substances and antibiotics from dairy products), cosmetics (tooth paste, shaving creams, sprays, dyes, lipstick, eye lashes, nail polishes and removers), environmental pollutants both indoors, and outdoors.
Thus the body is choked with chemicals and the burden goes to the liver and kidneys. The liver converts the fat soluble toxic chemicals into water soluble chemicals and thereby helps the kidneys to flush the toxins through urine. However, with limited water supply, the kidneys cannot completely flush out metabolic and foreign waste. Therefore, metabolic wastes accumulate and cause diseases like cancers, allergies, hypertension, Parkinson's, kidney stones, gall stones, kidney failures etc. Accumulation of foreign chemicals accelerates the cause of the above diseases and also triggers other ailments. Water alone can help the body to get rid of these wastes.

All therapies -especially alternative healing - are directed towards cleansing toxic chemicals out of the body. They might use herbs to achieve detoxification. But they cannot be done every day. Since water is the most abundant component of the body and is also the safest, most economical and natural cleansing agent, it works very well. Many friends have experienced dramatic changes in their disease symptoms within a couple of weeks of starting water therapy.
The nature of human mind is that it believes in complex things but not in simple, natural ways. The very nature of man's mind is to go for complex ways to solve simple problems. In health issues too, we use very complicated drugs and procedures, which can be used as a last resort or in emergency cases. The truth is that drugs may never be needed at all if one maintains good health.
It is an irony that we think of the tiniest chemicals that are needed for our body. Hence, we give much importance to vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones etc. We calculate calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, we forget water is the major ingredient of our body. It is this ignorance that causes many diseases. Water is the safest supplement one can take everyday to cure and prevent diseases. If this water supplement is taken regularly, perfect health can be achieved.
All of us know that water is good for the body. But not many know what happens to the body if it does not receive its daily need of water.

Here is interesting information about water:

• Do you know that the human body is made up of between 55 and 75 percent water? Not known to many is the fact that lean people have more water in the bodies because muscle holds more water than fat;
• Do you know that every system in our bodies depends on water and is in need of constant water replenishment;
• Do you know that lack of water in human body to carry on normal function can lead to dehydration? And do you know that there are dehydration-produced diseases which pose health risks for the young and the old. Some signs and symptoms of dehydration include excessive thirst, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, little or no urination, muscle weakness, dizziness and light headedness; Even a slightly dehydrated person may lack energy considering that just a 5% drop in body fluid will cause as much as a 30% lose of energy;
• Do you know that chronic and persistently increasing dehydration is the root cause of almost all currently encountered major diseases of the human body;
• Do you know that for measuring your water intake – alcohol, coffee, tea and caffeine containing beverages don’t count as water;
• Do you know that energy drinks are no substitute for plain water. In fact, caffeinated beverages can further dehydrate a person.
• Do you know that one of the most beneficial reasons why we should take water to sustain our body requirement is because water flushes out the toxins which cause diseases as well as other harmful substances that we expose ourselves everyday.

Yes, drinking water regularly is healthful. As someone said: “No man-made medicine in the world can heal as effectively as clean drinking water!” Sometimes we get headaches, back pain, and other soreness simply because our muscles have become very stiff. Our muscles consist largely of water and as such, we must keep them hydrated. The spinal cord discs also carry water, most of which supports your upper body. In addition, joints must be kept lubricated all the time.

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj – PIONEER in Water Therapy

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (for simplicity referred as Dr. B here on) who died in 2004 claimed that dehydration is the underlying cause of many diseases, including some that the medical profession regarded as incurable. He claimed that users of his "Natural Therapy Cure Program" could cure virtually all pains at no cost—forever, reduce blood pressure naturally; lower blood cholesterol without medication; lose unwanted pounds; regain youthful skin; increase mental power and alertness; become stress-free; prevent and cure migraine headaches; prevent Alzheimer's disease; prevent heart disease; permanently cure angina pain; regain sexual powers; cure asthma in a few day; and even cure multiple sclerosis. Dr. B wrote his first book “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” in 1992, in which he stated that a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of dehydration. The body signals its water shortage by producing pain. Dehydration actually produces pain and many degenerative diseases, including asthma, arthritis, hypertension, angina, adult-onset diabetes, lupus and multiple sclerosis.
Dr. B’s message to the world is, “You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.”
His best-known work, a book called “Your Body's Many Cries for Water” is a master work in the field of water therapy. . He has spent most of his scientific life researching the link between pain and disease and chronic dehydration. Dr. B discovered the healing powers of water when he was serving as a political prisoner in an Iranian jail. He successfully treated 3,000 fellow prisoners suffering from stress-induced peptic ulcer disease with the only medication he possessed -- water. This is when he understood for the first time in medical history that the body indicates its water shortage by producing pain. Since his prison experience, he has focused his full-time attention on dehydration-produced health problems in the body. His discoveries have helped thousands of people suffering from a variety of pains and degenerative diseases, and regain their health. As he explains in great detail in his many books, most common diseases (for which there are a variety of names such as asthma, arthritis, hyper tension and so on) are really just names given to patterns of symptoms created by the body's drought management system.
When the human body begins to get dehydrated, it initiates a drought management system that seeks to conserve water. The symptoms characterized by this drought management effort are given disease names and treated with drugs.

Here's a straightforward example of Dr B’s research:

Dr B explains the concept with the help of Asthma as an example. The brain must be kept hydrated at all times. So the body, when it is lacking water, will do everything possible to keep supplying adequate water to the brain. This involves limiting the loss of water in other areas of the body. As Dr. B points out, simply breathing causes the loss of a significant quantity of water each and every day, depending on the climate in which you live and your level of physical exercise.
If you are experiencing chronic dehydration from not drinking enough water, or from drinking water-depleting drinks such as coffee, beer or beverages containing sugar, your body tries to prevent respiratory water loss by producing histamines which close off the capillaries in your lungs. Through the constriction of these capillaries, water loss is reduced, but of course breathing is made far more difficult. It's important to understand that the body is doing this on purpose. The body is producing histamines as a strategy, not as a disease or something gone awry. The body wants to constrict the capillaries in your lungs because it is trying to save your brain.
What is conventional medicine's answer to this production of histamines by the body? Well, of course, it is the prescription of histamine linked drugs that are designed to counteract the histamines produced, which was originally done by the body to conserve water. These histamine linked drugs then open up the capillaries in the lungs, making breathing seem easier. As you can see here, the conventional medicine approach treats nothing but the symptoms, and in doing so it counteracts the body's own intentions and strategies to conserve water. According to Dr B what patients with asthma really need is lots of water on a regular basis, not histamine linked drugs.
As Dr. B explains in his books, the same sort of treatment is taking place with other diseases as well -- most notably hypertension and arthritis. Many of the drugs marketed today are, in effect, various forms of histamine linked drugs, which counteract the body's efforts to conserve water.
Dr B says what we need to be doing as a population, of course, is simply drink more water. But there's more to it than just that -- we also need to stop drinking beverages that deplete our water supplies. Believe it or not, most beverages that are consumed today actually don't offer hydration; drinking soft drinks results in a loss of water in your body, NOT a gain in water. Once you drink one bottle of a soft drink beverage, you feel like you still need more, and thus the body is trapped in a never-ending cycle of craving for hydration that simply cannot be met by consuming soft drinks. What your body truly craves is water. Please make the children understand this otherwise we will have society of diseased people in future. Do you now understand why our grand parents were healthier than us?????
Caffeine is also another water-depleting drug. Consuming caffeine in any form, whether soft drinks or coffee or pills, creates a diuretic effect in your body, which means your body begins to eliminate water through urination. Sadly, most people continue to drink alarming quantities of soft drinks, coffee and other beverages that actually deplete water from their systems.
There's another fascinating point on chronic dehydration and weight loss that's worth mentioning here, too many people who are attempting to lose weight end up in a state of chronic dehydration because they don't want to drink water for fear that it will add "water weight" to their bodies. They actually impair their body's ability to metabolize fat because they're afraid to drink enough water on a regular basis. In reality, being fully hydrated is a prerequisite to weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you have to give your body enough water so that it's no longer in a state of emergency. When the body is in a state of chronic dehydration, or a state of emergency, it will not let go of fat supplies easily. It wants to hold on to everything it can eat or drink. The only way to convince your body to let go of body fat, and start metabolizing body fat, is to drink a lot of water - enough water so that your body feels safe in letting go of unneeded calories. (Remember: water has zero calories, is low-carbohydrate and has zero grams of fat, so drink up!)
It's also interesting to note that many people who go on short term diets and who think they're losing five or ten pounds over a couple of days are really only losing water weight. They haven't lost any body fat at all but they have managed to put themselves in a state of chronic dehydration that will inevitably lead to weight gain once they return to normal habits of eating and drinking. People wanting to loose weight should practice Water Therapy with warm water and will be surprised with results!
Dr B states that there's no money in the treatment of disease with water, so there's no motivation for any organization whatsoever to reveal the truth about the role of water in preventing chronic disease in human beings. Why would profit making organisations tell you that you can prevent arthritis, asthma, hypertension and other diseases by simply drinking water?

Dr B explains the connection between water and many diseases:

Diabetes is a disease that is strongly influenced by water consumption. Adult-onset diabetes is another adaptive state to severe dehydration of the human body. To have adequate water in circulation and for the brain's priority water needs, the release of insulin is inhibited to prevent insulin from pushing water into all body cells. In diabetes, only some cells get survival rations of water.

Hypertension and high blood pressure is a state of adaptation of the body to a generalized drought, when there is not enough water to fill all the blood vessels that diffuse water into vital cells. As part of the mechanism of reverse osmosis, when water from the blood serum is filtered and injected into important cells through minute holes in their membranes, extra pressure is needed for the "injection process." Just as we inject I.V. "water" in hospitals, so the body injects water into tens of trillions of cells all at the same time. Adequate water will bring blood pressure back to normal

High cholesterol levels are an indicator of early drought management by the body. Cholesterol is a clay-like material that is poured in the gaps of some cell membranes to safeguard them against losing their vital water content to the osmotic ally more powerful blood circulating in their vicinity. Cholesterol, apart from being used to manufacture nerve cell membranes and hormones, is also used as a "shield" against water taxation of other vital cells that would normally exchange water through their cell membranes.

Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body. The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage. Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.

Migraine headache is a sign of water needed by the brain and the eyes. The type of dehydration that causes migraine might eventually cause inflammation of the back of the eye and possibly loss of eye sight.

Colitis pain is a signal of water shortage in the large gut. It is associated with constipation because the large intestine constricts to squeeze the last drop of water from the excrements - thus the lack of water lubrication. Not recognizing colitis pain as a sign of dehydration will cause persistent constipation. Later in life, it will cause fecal impacting: it can cause diverticulitis, haemorrhoids and polyps, and appreciably increases the possibility of developing cancer of the colon and rectum.

Rheumatoid joint pain - arthritis - is a signal of water shortage in the painful joint. It can affect the young as well as the old. The use of pain-killers does not cure the problem.

Low back pain and ankylosing arthritis of the spine are signs of water shortage in the spinal column and discs - the water cushions that support the weight of the body. These conditions should be treated with increased water intake. Not recognizing arthritis and low back pain as signs of dehydration in the joint cavities and treating them with pain-killers, manipulation, acupuncture, and eventually surgery will, in time, produce osteoarthritis when the cartilage cells in the joints have eventually all died. It will produce deformity of the spine. It will produce crippling deformities of the limbs.

Dr B did lot of work in the field of water therapy, still people cannot psychologically accept the idea that diseases could be prevented or reversed by drinking something that would be freely available to the public. Unfortunately the thought doesn't even penetrate common man’s belief system.

Here is the list of some major diseases where water therapy can bring relief:
Head Ache
Blood Pressure / Hypertension
Anaemia (Blood shortage)
Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles)
General Paralysis
Obesity (Fatness)
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Kidney Stones
Urogenital Diseases
Hyper acidity / GERD
Gastro – entities
Rectal Piodapse
Eye diseases
Ophthalmic Haemorrhage & Ophthalmic (Reddish eye)
Irregular Menstruation
Uterus Cancer
Breast Cancer


Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.25 litters of water i.e. 5 to 6 glasses. You may wash your face thereafter.
Here it is very essential to note that nothing else, neither drinks nor solid food of any sort should be taken within 1 hr. before and after drinking these 1.25 litters of water.
It is also to be strictly observed that no alcoholic drinks shall be taken the previous night.
If required, boiled and filtered water may be used for this purpose. Is it possible to drink 1.25 litters of water at one time? This is a BIG QUESTION? To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.25 litters of water at one time, but one will get used to it gradually. Initially, while practicing you may start by drinking half a litre of water and gradually increase it by 100 ml every week till you reach the desired 1.25 litter of water. You may find the necessity to urinate 2-3 times within an hour, but it will become normal after some time.
During the day you may continue to drink water as required by the body, which depends on the climate as well as work profile of each individual. However drinking 150 ml per hour over and above the first 1.25 Litre can be considered as rule of thumb.
150 ml of water 30 minutes before meals will help digestion and reduce acidity.
150 ml of water before bath will help lower blood pressure.
150 ml of water before sleep will reduce chances of stroke or heart attack.
During the day do not drink water within 45 minutes of solid food like lunch or dinner.

Consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method purifies human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as “Haematopoiesis”. That the mucosal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method, is an undisputed fact, just as the theory that new fresh blood is produced by the mucosal fold.
If the colon is cleansed then the nutrients of the food taken several times a day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucosal folds they are turned into fresh blood. The blood is all important in curing ailments and restoring health and for this water should be consumed as suggested.
The way bathing cleans the external body parts, same way water therapy cleans the internal body parts.

Stop Water Therapy immediately:
If one gets swelling in the body, especially in legs, hands or face.
If one gets running nose or continuous cough.
If one feels giddy or restless after drinking the water.
People with Kidney disorders should not practice water therapy.

Water Therapy video available in Hindi:
Click here to watch the video


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                     other initiative by the author
                    Stress Management Workshops : 

What is Stress?

Stress is a condition when a situation is perceived as threatening to exceed the person’s capabilities and resources of meeting it.

Stress data: 
  • According to WHO 80% of medical expenses are on account stress induced diseases.
  • Forty-three percent of adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.
  • Stress is the root cause of diseases like headaches, hyper tension, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, paralysis and anxiety.
  • 66% CEO's in India are stressed out and 11% are in critical state, says ASSOCHAM.
  • 87% of working women in India are suffering from moderate to high levels of stress.
  • It is predicted that by 2020, stress induced diseases will be the top most reason for human mortality.
Why is Stress so dangerous?
Stress triggers hormone secretion from Hypothalamus (brain), Pituitary and Adrenal glands. These hormones put the person in hyper alert state. Perennial hyper alert state affects entire endocrine system and damages vital body organs.
Stress is one of the biggest problems of modern world and is a major cause of concern for Corporates.

Having worked in corporate world at Senior Management levels for 20 years and having undergone Depression and GAD myself, I understand what stress can do to an individual as well as to people around them. Today, not only have I completely healed, but also have helped hundreds to come out of Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
I have been researching on Stress since last few years, and have got a scientific understanding on stress and have developed the best methods for Stress Management. Lot of these methods is self developed based on my own experience.

I have now designed workshops on Stress Management for Corporate world. Details are given in the link below. 

Academically, I am a Registered Medical Practitioner (Alternative Medicine) in hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapist and ACWA. 

Author of the book “Health – The Complimentary Way”.

Feel free to contact for further information.

May you be blessed with Peace and Happiness,

It is advised to consult your Physician before starting the water therapy.


  1. Dear sir,I watched your Water therapy video on you tube, and have been practicing it since then.I just have a doubt: What is the exact time after lunch/dinner, we should drink water..In one of DR. Batmans video, it was 2-1/2 hrs and you suggest 45 minutes...????? Thank your for your guidance

  2. sir i m suffring fron astma pls tell me wht should i do

  3. I watched your water therapy video on you tube. I want to buy your book on water therapy. please tell how to get your book. My email id is
    Thank you.

  4. I want to buy the book as well. Please let me know the procedure. Email-

  5. My face is getting swelling even after drinking two glass of water what should I do

  6. My face is getting swelling even after drinking two glass of water what should I do

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